Positive Behavior Intervention & Support


What is PBIS?

PBIS is a way for schools to encourage appropriate behavior.  With PBIS, schools teach kids about behavior, just as they would teach about other subjects like reading or math. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.  This does not mean that consequences do not exist for poor behavior, but it ensures that we, as a school, are committed to the behavioral progress of students the same way that we are committed to their academic progress.    

PBIS is a framework used by many schools throughout the state.  Though the specific elements of a PBIS program can be tailored to an individual school, the guiding principles the PBIS framework are the same:

How is PBIS organized?

PBIS utilizes a tiered approach, just like MTSS or RTII models. 

Is PBIS a stagnant program?

One of the most important aspects of PBIS is that it can be implemented in different phases and can evolve as the school changes.  Different elements can be added or altered depending on the needs of students and staff.   

Here is how Hambright Leaders leave their MARK: